Planning for Farms
We offer a range of services to support you in planning for the financial future of your farm. Here is an overview of the areas that we cover:
Financial and Business Analysis
In order to create a successful succession plan for the future of your farm, it may be necessary for us to work with you to undertake a robust assessment of its current financial situation and the state of its business operations.
Succession and Transition Plans
Planning for the future ownership and management of your farm can be an emotional and challenging time. Allow us to support you in undertaking this process to ensure that your farm has a secure base on which to face the future.
Family Support
Starting conversations about succession planning and future change can be difficult for the family who are personally affected. We will work closely with your family to lead them through this transition, using our specialist farming knowledge.
Lifestyle Planning
We will support you to look to the future to plan for life when you no longer have as much day to day involvement in your farm and teach you how to future-proof your finances to prepare for such a time.
Estate Planning
Estate planning is much more than just drawing up a will (though this is an important part of it) as it includes areas such as powers of attorney and corporate agreements. A clear and structured strategy for your future financial needs will insure that your estate is properly prepared for the future.
Continuity Planning
In order for your financial plans to succeed and for your farm to have the best possible chance of success in the future, it is critical to implement regular family communication and clear and coherent governance and other policies.